FURTHERANCE in Asia-pasific regionアジア・太平洋地域助成
FURTHERANCE in Asia-pasific regionAsia-Pacific region project furtherance
WNI WxBunka Foundation
In the Asia-Pacific region, weather like Super Typhoon Yolanda that hit the Philippines in November 2013 causes the loss of many lives and damages to property every year. There is room to improve to development of aspects in this region like undeveloped weather sensory and prediction infrastructure, a network that can send disaster prevention information, and also human resources with the expertise to operate these systems; and there is also room to mitigate weather disasters by improving weather culture.
Here, this foundation runs the business of collection applications from and assisting each country in the Asia-Pacific region for the goal for the realization of, Upgrades to Weather Sensory Infrastructure, Improvement of Forecasting Techniques, and Training Related to Weather Sensory Infrastructure and Forecasting Techniques.
- Apply
- Until Apr 30, 2025
- Asia-Pacific region furtherance 2025
We started an open call for participants.
Application documents and the application look at the following links.
We wait for application (as for the deadline April 30.2025).
- 1. The application point
- 1) Selecting method
- The foundation secretariat performs the open call for participants. The member of a selection committee of the foundation selects an application and decides furtherance.
- 2) It is targeted for the furtherance
- After establishment two years or more, it is the group with the activity results. An application document being the English language.
- 3) Criterion for selection
- ① Useful for living in Asia and Pacific region
The furtherance acts on realization of the activity about the study theme effectively. Help the research activities that you are like practical use, the practice of the weather.
②It is like practical use
There are enough results, and a concrete operative process is considered by the enforcement plan, and expectation be popular about result of possibility and a study, the activity until now.
③ Be equal with a theme of this furtherance.
This futhernanca theme are Upgrades to Weather Sensory Infrastructure, Improvement of Forecasting Techniques, and Training Related to Weather Sensory Infrastructure and Forecasting Techniques.
- 2. It is not targeted for the furtherance.
- Thing for the purpose of the direct profit activity.
- It was aimed for only the holding of the meeting, an overseas visit, the purchase of the machine.
- It is judged to solicit a hobby, personal satisfaction.
- 3. A copyright, publication of a study, the activity result.
- The copyrights such as articles written by the furtherance of our foundation belong to “the individual” who applied to “the group”. Application contents and the result are announced.
- 4. A furtherance amount of money
- A total of 20 million JPY.
In addition, the means of payment is notified of after furtherance decision.
- 5. Furtherance Period
- From July 1, 2025 to June 30, 2026
- 6. Examination, decision-announcement
- Selection committee will selection the winners. As soon as a result is obtained, I will notify the applicant.
(If the selection committee determines that your application is for research within Japan, you will be eligible for the "Furtherance in Domestic." The grant amount will be the same as for the "Furtherance in Domestic.")
- 7. The application deadline
Until April 30, 2025
- 8. Application Method of Submission.
- WNI WxBunka Foundation
"The Asia-Pacific region project furtherance" clerk
Mihama-ku 1-3 Makuhari Techno Garden, Chiba City, Chiba Pref, 261-0023 JAPAN.
- 9. Contact Us
WNI WxBunka Foundation "The Asia-Pacific region project furtherance" clerk
Mihama-ku 1-3 Makuhari Techno Garden, Chiba City, Chiba Pref, 261-0023 JAPAN.
e-mail info@wxbunka.com Contact Us
- 10. About the Inflection of The Grant
- A foundation and the furtherance exchange a memorandum. After having exchanged a memorandum, please start a study, activity.
- There is a local case inspecting for enforcement situation confirmation.
- Please submit a "report of completion" "activity result report" "accounts report" within three months after the end during a furtherance period.
- When "an activity result report" deviates from an original theme and purpose, there is the case requiring return of the grant.
- 11. Handling of Personal Information
- An application and the personal information use a necessary range in duties accomplishment.
- We don’t offer personal information to the third party except when it is determined by laws and ordinances without obtaining the person’s consent.